Kuidas võib mitte armuda sellesse, kui sügisesel pulmapäeval kõik toimib – ilm, värvid, pruutpaar ja vinged külalised!
Just nii läks Helenil ja Alaril, kes olid valmis kõige hullemaks, mida sügisene oktoober meile Eestis võib pakkuda, kuid kogesid sootuks maagilist sügist, mis oma võlu ja värvidega on isegi erilisem kui kaunis suvepäev!

Helen & Alar
Innar shot our wedding video in 2017 October. When we saw his work while shopping for a video artist, we knew right away he’s our man for the job. Innar just has this romantic, warm, colorful and magical style, mixed with great music and our wedding vows, complimenting the dreamy flow of the video itself.
Innar has a lot of creative ideas on how to get the best shots and while being an outgoing person it is really easy to work with him, despite my camera shines.
Would add more than 5 stars for his effort. Big thanks and keep up the good work!
Karen Härms Photography
Peep-Ain Saar
Karl-Kristjan Kingi band