Merily and Steven couldn’t wait to see their wedding film, so after receiving it, they parked their car, put the speakers on, watched it in their car while filming the experience!

Here’s how the story unfolded:

Merily and Steven are the loveliest couple who live outside of Estonia. For the past few weeks I’ve been working on their wedding post production to have it ready for Christmas, just for the time when the couple will be spending time with their families here in Estonia.

On the same they when Merily and Steven were heading to their parents’s home we met up and I handed them over their Christmas gift – wedding video & film on USB. They hadn’t seen the result yet but from the sheer delight in their eyes I could already tell – there will be one really happy family in Järvamaa celebrating Christmas and reliving the wedding day all over again!

Their wedding day at Eagle Restaurant with gorgeous sunset on golf course at Pärnu Bay was just spectacular!

Merily and Steven watch and react to their wedding video

What I wasn’t expecting was the video I received from the couple next morning. Merily and Steven couldn’t wait until they arrived at parent’s place, so they parked their car and relived their wedding day there. It’s unebelievable really, to see how the couple reacts to the wedding video you’ve been working on for countless hours.

Merily & Steven

Me ei suuda sõnadesse panna, kui rõõmsad ja tänulikud me oleme, et meie ilus pulmapäev sai sellisel kujul jäädvustatud. Teete midagi imelist ja kuigi me olime juba Innar Sinu käekirjaga hoolikalt tutvunud, ei osanud me kuni lõpuni ikkagi päris seda lõpptulemust ette kujutada – milliselt nägi välja videol meie päev, kas tuli ikka piisavalt videomaterjali, milline on muusikavalik jne. Olime reaalselt sõnatud – kõik oli lihtsalt suurepärane ja super! See on kindlasti parim jõulukink! Teete midagi südamega ja imelist! Kogu see video ja filmi vaatamine oli tõeline “emotional rollercoaster”, nagu Steven videos ka ütles. I M E L I N E! Suured tänud ja keep going!

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